Sep 052008

I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately, despite the plethora of random crap that has shown up on the iTunes App Store, the ability to go to one place and search for applications has a certain appeal. It got me to thinking more generally about the App Store and digital distribution more generally. Between WiiWare, Xbox Live Arcade, the Playstation Store, GameTap, and Steam (which unfortunately does not support the Mac), there are a plethora of ways to get games onto your PC, console, iPod, or iPhone. ..

So I guess part of the answer is that my Mac, unlike my iPhone does not require a specific digital distribution method. I can download as many applications as I like from the Internet. I can purchase them through individual websites. My applications can update themselves through built-in automatic update features. But it just feels different. There is something appealing to having those updates brought to my attention regardless of if I open an application. I can use my existing iTunes account to make payments or purchase new software.

So while it might not be all that necessary, I do wonder why Apple hasn’t done something like this? There is an appeal to it that I can’t quite put my finger on.

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