Well, I’m not sure at what location the deviance occurred, but my blog was compromised momentarily today. Though I may occasionally curse my iPhone and its inability to adequately convey to me my current location and all of its nuances (like rock in place of a street), it did alert me to the changing of the admin password on my site today. Of course I was sitting in a GES (Game Education Summit) panel at the time, which is why the changing of an admin password seemed problematic.
It was at this moment that I sprung into action. Could I log in? No. Can I log into my hosting provider? Yes. Can I look at the admin account for WordPress in PHP MySQL Admin? Yes. Had the password changed? Had the email account changed? Yes. Had it been confirmed? No. Email change. Password change. Password change. Password change. And the changes cascaded from there. I changed my password on nearly every account I log into regularly.
Of course these actions did not tell me what caused the initial intrusion, however. Poor password choice? WordPress exploit? Plugin exploit? Indeed I had not yet moved from 2.7.1 to 2.8, but I had not had the sense that a lack of upgrade would leave my blog thus exploitable.
Either way, the ordeal seems circumvented, though I would say thanks only to my vigilance in email maintenance on the iPhone. Either way, I’ve suddenly become much, much, much more paranoid for at least a day or two.