Jun 052012
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I hate seeing a string of conference hash tags and not knowing what it is. Thus: good morning Foundation of Digital Games. #fdg12 [caseyodonnell]
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RT @abestein: First up, the fabulous @jonaslinderoth #FDG12 [caseyodonnell]
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Via @JonasLinderoth at #fdg12: Effects based research around games assumes transfer in games is easy or clear, but it isn’t. [caseyodonnell]
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It’s amazing the amount of insight an actual game developer (in this case an EA rep) has on the internal rhetorics of a system. #fdg12 [caseyodonnell]
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RT @Lewisham: @caseyodonnell he’s richard hilleman. He’s chief creative officer at EA and created Madden. That’s why he knows so much 🙂 … [caseyodonnell]
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RT @clarafv: #FDG12 Panel on whether Twitter can be a platform for games. Probably it’s not the best specific one for this conference. [caseyodonnell]
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RT @noahwf: Must tweet the "Twitter as a Game Platform" panel at #fdg12 [caseyodonnell]
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Sorry #fdg12 … Must be daddy-from-afar for a bit. See ya at the Games Night. [caseyodonnell]
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Had a really fun conversation with Richard Hilleman at #fdg12 today. Among other things talked about wanting to make a YouTube game. [caseyodonnell]
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Yeah, OmniGraffle is awesome, but $200 is nucking futs. Sorry. [caseyodonnell]
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Bonnie Nardi is playing @ADAMATOMIC ‘s Canabalt right now during her keynote at day two of #fdg12. [caseyodonnell]
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There is a possible argument in @bonnienardi ‘s #fdg12 talk that implies player policed rule spaces could be more authoritarian than code. [caseyodonnell]
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Sorry: The Jaimes of this world fancy themselves Tyrions and the Cerseis Sansas or Aryas and the Snows Targaryens. They are each wrong. :-/ [caseyodonnell]
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RT @benchun: 9 out of 10 AP computer science readers agree with President Obama: http://t.co/DwlnimLL "Bubble sort would be the wrong wa … [caseyodonnell]
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Why is it that people who say, "Don’t toe the party line," really just want me to vote their way? [caseyodonnell]
 Posted by at 10:02 pm
May 292012
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RT @abestein: @caseyodonnell Gotta patent em all. [caseyodonnell]
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RT @miaC: One week until #fdg12 – should be great! http://t.co/mnggA6Pa [caseyodonnell]
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Barefoot parking meter guy. That is all. [caseyodonnell]
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RT @ben_throop: #38jobs folks – So sorry this happened to you guys. Vicarious Visions in Albany has 11 openings right now. http://t.co/Q … [caseyodonnell]
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Some articles are so dumb that they aren’t worth linking to. I’m looking at you #CNN. [caseyodonnell]
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RT @IanSchreiber: For those of you that missed it, Zombie Apocalypse has started in Miami Florida: http://t.co/Y40Ug6LL [caseyodonnell]
 Posted by at 10:07 pm
May 222012
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RT @ibogost: "But cutting [time to PhD] down to four or five years." I.e., what it’s supposed to be. That’s not a cut. http://t.co/KvEN1O69 [caseyodonnell]
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Things this mildly dyslexic person says: "Jawvascwipt Twitter Widget" [caseyodonnell]
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Umm… People running Kickstarters: Asking someone their address for 15 months from now is probably not the best idea you’ve ever had. [caseyodonnell]
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RT @TarletonG: #cultd First look! Nick Couldry, Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice http://t.co/BzIx7cHp [caseyodonnell]
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For those w/o children: this is why you fear them. For those with: what you already knew. Hidden away is terror: http://t.co/XDE968vf [caseyodonnell]
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You might be filtering your email too heavily if you have a syntax error in your search criteria. [caseyodonnell]
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I can’t help but see the birth of WoW raiding in the gathering of friends to play Diablo cooperatively over IPX. [caseyodonnell]
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RT @ForensicGunk: I’m old enough to remember when "first-person shooters" were simply called "Doom clones". [caseyodonnell]
 Posted by at 10:04 pm
May 152012
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RT @gryphoness: So gay marriage being legal "forces acceptance" on poor republicans. Just like Abraham Lincoln "forced acceptance", eh? … [caseyodonnell]
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If the galoshes are any indicator, I will likely not survive today. [caseyodonnell]
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RT @markdeuze: Obama announces support for same-sex marriage http://t.co/cMUTzCd3 via @HuffPostPol [caseyodonnell]
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RT @EA: Very proud of our employee Kelly Worrall who made a smooth ‘trans’ transition @EA http://t.co/fQXY9fWy #LGBT [caseyodonnell]
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Regalia. [caseyodonnell]
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Amphibious Tiger Assault. [caseyodonnell]
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I love GA drivers. Turning lane used for: not turning. Turning lane not used for: turning. [caseyodonnell]
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Just in case you had still had faith in humanity, Central Booking in NYC would like to destroy it… http://t.co/0RDMJjkv via . @seanlawson [caseyodonnell]
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Dear @ATVIassist: way to go pissing off @anonops : http://t.co/9dbWVSbm This is what you get for carelessness. [caseyodonnell]
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Just completed time out. Two year old informed me I wasn’t listening and needed two mins of time out (oddest part: we don’t do time out) #fb [caseyodonnell]
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RT @ibogost: Videogames have become "an interactive form of muzak," says @mike_thomsen in a scathing essay, "Will Work for Fun," http:// … [caseyodonnell]
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RT @EricKlinenberg: @chronicle covers the transformation of Public Culture – is it really causing anxiety? http://t.co/ppuBNAo5 [caseyodonnell]
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City passes law to garner attention and create two minute Internet firestorm and subsequent one day TV news event [a week later]. [caseyodonnell]
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Seriously… MT @seanlawson seems to be solely interested in making me cranky. NYT: Police Taser Use on Pregnant http://t.co/MaTrmzow [caseyodonnell]
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Well, was going to play a game, but all the legal documentation took so long to read I didn’t have any time left to play. #fb [caseyodonnell]
 Posted by at 10:03 pm
May 082012
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Wow… Don’t pay attention for a second and look at what we let our government do. We collectively elected these folks: http://t.co/QuZz7i8E [caseyodonnell]
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RT @erazlogo: Agreed. Someone from Brainstorm should respond. RT @tjowens: Someone on @ProfHacker should distance the blog from this htt … [caseyodonnell]
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RT @molleindustria: I wrote a long(ish) op-ed about Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Read it on @kotaku:
http://t.co/q51CFSAl [caseyodonnell]
 Posted by at 10:04 pm
May 022012
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RT @usebomswisely: @wesleyfenlon @caseyodonnell Seconded. What the hell is pop? [caseyodonnell]
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Kickstarter is a funding model, not a publishing model. [caseyodonnell]
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RT @numberless: Great piece on the "brogrammer" phenomenon, and sexism in Silicon Valley.
http://t.co/eLa0PZtJ [caseyodonnell]
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Zombie days at White Water? MT: @wesleyfenlon: @usebomswisely … White waterrrr [caseyodonnell]
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Stdnt1: These last weeks are killer.
Stdnt2: Exams and projects…
Stdnt3: No exams! AD/PR bitches!
Me: Not a glowing endorsement, really. [caseyodonnell]
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RT @IGDAQOL: 11+ hours of work per day doubles the risk of depression with worse odds for women workers. http://t.co/OjFPkVrZ and http: … [caseyodonnell]
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A nice resource for academics that also care about their rights as authors: http://t.co/BnJujspt [caseyodonnell]
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RT @jofsharp: I agree completely. http://t.co/qtilnp1T [caseyodonnell]
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Mobs of undergrads at Panera render WiFi unusable. Further, don’t plan on getting near an electrical outlet. [caseyodonnell]
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Me: Nice car.
Wise person: Same partner. No kids.
Me: Indeed. [caseyodonnell]
 Posted by at 10:02 pm
Apr 252012
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Downside to ebooks: Ambiguous time from airplane door closure till electronics usage when you may or may not be asked to turn your book off. [caseyodonnell]
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And down the rabbit hole of Design Studies I go. [caseyodonnell]
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"Design" (generically speaking) ought not end at an idea. #GameDevs in particular know the importance of design and creation going together. [caseyodonnell]
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RT @pourmecoffee: How the Zombie Apocalypse begins: "USDA to Let Industry Self-Inspect Chicken" http://t.co/f8Lkj4Xu [caseyodonnell]
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RT @evgenymorozov: Great obituary! "Facts, 360 B.C.-A.D. 2012" http://t.co/sdHomHES [caseyodonnell]
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RT @desconcentrado: @caseyodonnell nope! Tonight is coordinated global action #coverthenight ! [caseyodonnell]
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#cultd has been accosted by a bachelorette party. @TarletonG was the primary target. [caseyodonnell]
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RT @CultureDig: Family of Man and the Politics of Attention in Cold War America http://t.co/V08j3xzs #cultd [caseyodonnell]
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Seriously… The PDF for a book I’ve bought in physical form should at most be an additional $1.99 (that is the max utility value). [caseyodonnell]
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RT @adamolshan: Instagram: all the worst Photoshop filters now in the palm of your hand. [caseyodonnell]
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US airways customers complaining about Delta while loading onto a Delta flight when their flight was canceled. #thatmakescompletesense [caseyodonnell]
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Someone needs to blindfold me so I can stop saying "wheels first" under my breath. Can’t differentiate between 28 & 26 you are in danger? [caseyodonnell]
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Monsters in Thrift Store Paintings: http://t.co/jgm0gTtr [caseyodonnell]
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RT @numberless: stand your ground against people who look different than you http://t.co/X1vwV2EN [caseyodonnell]
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RT @ACLU_Mass: Reminder that if you are concerned about your privacy — or, as the FBI calls it, your ‘privacy’ — you are suspicious. h … [caseyodonnell]
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RT @Cafe_Murder: Looking forward to the Athens GGDA Meeting/Cafe Murder Beta Test tonight! @caseyodonnell @GGDA_ORG [caseyodonnell]
 Posted by at 10:04 pm
Apr 182012
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Well, I guess I should say it publicly… http://t.co/QOu5JoeB [caseyodonnell]
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Whatever you do, don’t read the comments on Melinda Gate’s TEDx talk. [caseyodonnell]
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Go go gadget faculty meeting! [caseyodonnell]
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RT @jmechner: It’s up on github. Have fun! Thanks, everyone, for following! http://t.co/sOlxq3ts #popsource [caseyodonnell]
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Via @ChrisDeLeon: "The iPhone will not substantially alter the fundamental structure & challenges of mobile industry" http://t.co/Mt8sokoN [caseyodonnell]
 Posted by at 10:00 pm
Apr 112012
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RT @seanlawson: My grad students were disappointed that @caseyodonnell is not a girl. It’s a common sentiment. [caseyodonnell]
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Huh. Google/Reader/Chrome claims Gamasutra has malware, but the diagnostic page seems to indicate otherwise. 🙁 [caseyodonnell]
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RT @gamasutra: Thanks for everyone’s patience today! Gamasutra and IndieGames are back to normal. [caseyodonnell]
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Your missing multiple classes does not constitute an emergency on my part. [caseyodonnell]
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(Welcome to the Academy) Not likely: "Perhaps there will be a positive way to resolve this debate once and for all." [caseyodonnell]
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Me thinks "a must see" is a must NOT see. [caseyodonnell]
 Posted by at 10:01 pm
Apr 042012
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RT @BenKuchera: There are millions of people who can talk about graphics. Very few who can break down an earnings statement or lawsuit. [caseyodonnell]
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A "news" program discussing how to play the lottery "intelligently." :-/ [caseyodonnell]
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RT @ibogost: Dear @washingtonpost: licensing the Unreal engine to the gov’t is not the same as making gov’t training games. http://t.co/ … [caseyodonnell]
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Downtown ATH is a MESS. [caseyodonnell]
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RT @br: "That’s a 20-year dev cycle, having a kid." [caseyodonnell]
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Edits in []s. MT @BenKuchera: We’re in one of the weirdest times in [#gamedev] history, and I’ve been doing this for [more than] a decade. [caseyodonnell]
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I wonder if (not entirely unwarranted) scrutiny of public gamedevs will have a chilling effect on otherwise positive change in the industry. [caseyodonnell]
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Do I get a badge for breaking CodeCademy within 2 min? "Don’t you dare preemptively answer a question." Isn’t that demonstrating knowledge? [caseyodonnell]
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RT @robdubbin: @manveerheir @scd i guess what i’m saying is, kickstarter backers are like tiny hedge fund managers. [caseyodonnell]
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Actually changed channels in Pandora after a couple of bad guesses and then refusal to skip the most recent offender. [caseyodonnell]
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I’d love to see sales data from Nerf pre-HvZ compared to current. [caseyodonnell]
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Pet-peeve: Sites that put stories on several pages and don’t have an option for a single page or print + images version. [caseyodonnell]
 Posted by at 10:01 pm