Jun 042010

In a recurring trend, in which I spend time doing things that I find interesting, but are not precisely those things I SHOULD be doing… The blog has a new look. I took the Suffusion theme and modified it based on some of the ongoing work that I’ve been doing on a game, Osy. It actually appears that as long as UGA doesn’t pull the VentureLab funding out from underneath us, Osy will appear in the iTunes App Store for both the iPod/iPhone and iPad in November. Depending on how that goes, perhaps she’ll make her way to the Android Market as well. You’ll also notice a bit of a difference in the visuals between Osy last year and Osy now. I’ve also been investigating new means for torturing my NMI Capstone Students and theme development is something that they’re always doing, but I try not to throw them into the fire without doing something myself. Hence, the new theme.

I could likely pretend that I learned something today that would advance the book manuscript (since the book needs a website, right?!?), but that would be a lie. So, back to work with me! Oh… And we recently pitched another game to the NIH based on a game using neural physiology to inspire its underlying game mechanics… And I wrote another little Apple Script. Apparently I’m working on too many machines and I’ve found myself using rsync to synchronize sets of working files. GEEK!

-- Sync Folder for Mac OS X
-- Casey O'Donnell
-- http://www.caseyodonnell.org/
-- This script takes a dropped file (or several) and syncs it with another location
-- using the rsync command
-- The source and the application are released under the wxWidgets Licence, which
-- can be found here: http://www.wxwidgets.org/about/newlicen.htm
on open fileList
	set szPathName to ""
	set szPathDest to ""
	set szRsyncCommand to "rsync -E -r "

	repeat with i in fileList
		set szPathSource to quoted form of POSIX path of (i as text)

		set iLength to length of szPathSource
		set szLastChars to get characters (iLength - 1) thru (iLength - 1) of szPathSource

		if (szLastChars contains "/") then
			set szPathSource to get characters 1 thru (iLength - 2) of szPathSource
			set szPathSource to szPathSource & "'"
		end if

		set szPathDest to quoted form of POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Select a folder or volume to sync to:")

		tell application "Terminal"
			do script szRsyncCommand & szPathSource & " " & szPathDest & "; exit"
		end tell
	end repeat
end open

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