Jul 242012
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RT @IGDAQOL: "If people want the reputation of working in a studio where games are great, then there’s going to be extra work…" http://t … [caseyodonnell]
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RT @retinart: Excellent. The dangerous gap between those who make software, and those who use it http://t.co/V4SxE99a [caseyodonnell]
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Kickstarter has certainly kick started the cardboard poster tube industry. [caseyodonnell]
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Neat: Chrome’s status bar moves to the right or left as my dock icons obscure it. [caseyodonnell]
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No cows where harmed during the filming of this video: http://t.co/oObXtUv5 [caseyodonnell]
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Sleeping less than 6 hours a night boosts risk of heart disease 48%. Yes, my 8 month old is trying to kill me: http://t.co/5YsS658k #fb [caseyodonnell]
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Blocking my Evernote Web-Clipper costs me about 15 seconds to print to PDF and import into Evernote. How much did it cost you? #JustFYI [caseyodonnell]
 Posted by at 10:02 pm

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