Apr 232013
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Amazing excerpt of SHOT! performance at #mediacon13 by Kimmika Williams-Witherspoon https://t.co/cJUI3GUSQv [caseyodonnell]
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RT @aarontram: #mediacon13 Trevor Pinch lays down some improv history of the mobile sound studio. BOOM! [caseyodonnell]
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Observed student Assassins players activities cause one player to scream in fear when captured. Timing & context gave me pause. #mediacon13 [caseyodonnell]
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RT @ludist: Wow, pretty groundbreaking ludoarchaeological discovery by Mathias Fuchs at the Dark Play panel! #MediaCon13 [caseyodonnell]
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Just played @ludist ‘s http://t.co/cGOyBnoVxE in front of listeners at #MediaCon13 [caseyodonnell]
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RT @miguelsicart: I presented/performed today on abusive game design (#mediacon13). Here’s a personal recap: http://t.co/FBUBpJs1nF [caseyodonnell]
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RT @phenatypical: "It is the idea of collective creativity that i hope we can recover here"—Fred Turner #MediaCon13 [caseyodonnell]
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RT @pjrey: Turner: "Senators are bought for cheaper than we think… Senators are bought for 17 shrimp and a gin & tonic… I’m serious… [caseyodonnell]
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Extending the request for help beyond #MediaConf13: Dear Twitter – Name my F-ing Book. Thanks. http://t.co/AnvpVjYMOB [caseyodonnell]
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#NMFB The Secret Code: An Ethnography of the AAA Game Industry – Black cover with NES style up up down down b a b a select start #fb [caseyodonnell]
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RT @stillgray: The GDC 2013 #1ReasontoBe panel is live. Watch it. http://t.co/PAx2kib1Np (via @xMattieBrice) [caseyodonnell]
 Posted by at 10:17 pm

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