Oct 122009

I knew I had some additional thoughts to share post-SIEGE, but they hadn’t all percolated up yet. Nor have I had the chance to sit back and record a video of the Unity 3D demo that I did. That should be coming soon. But not yet. In the mean time, Jason Della Rocca wrote up a nice post and in usual form uploaded some photos. It was nice to see Jason again at the event, making it feel a bit more like the game industry center rather than the periphery. Georgia and Atlanta have come a long way in the last year. Even Athens has a couple of fledgling businesses attempting to get things going. Furthermore, I suspect that Osy and all the work that has been going on with recent efforts at UGA may be spun off, so all in all, things seem good, despite the economic situation.

Jason’s talk, as he says in his post, focused on 10 things that don’t suck:

For my keynote, I gave an updated version of my “10 things that don’t suck” presentation. Also, did a more niche panel on economic development type stuff, and a separate lecture on failure as the path to success/innovation.

The list I walked away with was as follows:

  1. New Interfaces
  2. New Players and Broadening Demographics
  3. Usability Metrics and Metrics in General
  4. Closer Ties to Academia and Growth of Game Studies
  5. Production Sophistication with Agile Development and Scrum
  6. Progress in QoL
  7. Tools and “Democratization”
  8. Managing Risk with Real-Time Management and Release Early/Often Models
  9. Shifting Innovation “S” Curves
  10. Impact – Games for Change and Serious Games

Now, of course I have to convince Jason that though my PhD says “Science and Technology Studies,” I am one of those Dr. people who “do games.” It may not say game studies, but I wrote my dissertation about work and creative practice in the game industry. Of course I don’t have any snazzy photos of me and Warren Spector, so that may ultimately be my problem. But maybe that makes sense, instead you’ll find pictures of me like this one, hanging out with developers rather than the folks at the top:

GDC 2007 Photo Jog

GDC 2007 Photo Jog

All-in-all, the event was a delight, save one presentation that simply rubbed me the wrong way. Typically I’m not one to get up and leave a presentation, but I was frustrated enough ten minutes into the talk that I decided having my blood pressure elevated for another 50 minutes was simply not something I was interested in. Upon returning to my notes I realized that what ticked me off was a definition of “risk” that doesn’t include human time/labor as having value (“The square root of bugger-all” to be precise). Tell that to MMOs attempting to battle World of Warcraft for the time of users. Sorry. No cookie.

There was a significant call for “internship” opportunities by students present at the end of the weekend town hall meeting. I’m actually not sure that the different definitions of “internship” are the same for what students are asking for and what industry is hearing. What many of the students seem to be asking for are unpaid internships for credit to gain experience. What industry typically has are paid internships for in-school or just-out-of-school folks hoping to demonstrate and hone skills prior to entering the workforce. There is also a significant difference in these two definitions in terms of time over head (there it is again, time, sheesh!) on the part of the internship offering company as well as expected output from the intern. What may very well be the “answer” for this is to create a kind of incubation/training system where students can work with other independent developers for free/credit, rather than asking/hoping the local industry do something time demanding and different than what they have become used to. Several times I heard students say when asked about a reel or portfolio, that they simply “don’t have time.” Make time. I did. Party less. Get lower grades. Do something different, because I don’t accept that answer. I see what you do on the weekends and weeknights. I have visited the bars and I know your WoW avatar names.

Perhaps the coolest part (besides the parties, which in GDC style were “off the hook”) was that The University of Georgia was graciously provided a space at the job and education hall for having rounded up so many attendees. Having never done this before, and not really asked permission, things were a bit sparse, but I feel we did well with a budget of $0.00 and the impressive efforts of folks like Josh Marsh who posted our running trailer, available for your viewing pleasure here:

UGA SIEGECon Promo video from krash nburn on Vimeo.

Oct 062009

Well, this weekend was a whirlwind of activity at SIEGE in Atlanta. I ended up speaking at two different panels, one explicitly about Unity 3D and the other, ostensibly, about physics. Though it wasn’t my intention, the Unity 3D Panel ended up being mostly a Unity 3D love-in after Tom Higgins managed to handle the majority of our complaints prior to the actual start of the session. Items such as SVN support and other components supposed to part of Unity 3D 2.6 as well as a future fusion of Unity 3D and Unity 3D iPhone came as music to most of our ears. Even the physics panel had some Unity love. I got to plead with the audience to not write their own physics engines, though I’m sure someone out in the audience will proceed to roll their own just for the fun of it and spend months debugging it when they could have just sat down and started playing with Box 2D or some other physics engine and had much more fun.

Ultimately though, it is the kind of response that Tom gave us, and the user community that makes Unity 3D what it is. There was some interesting discussion if the fact that Unity 3D started out as a Mac project by Mac developers set a kind of initial trajectory for the developers and users that makes it particularly friendly and collaborative, especially compared to other user communities that often times seem less receptive to learning users. Hopefully Unity 3D can maintain that attitude.

Oh. And Ben’s Detonator framework is the bomb. Sorry, bad pun.

Also while at SIEGE I received some excellent feedback on Osy from one of my favorite designers, Ian Schreiber. We also had an excellent extended conversation about teaching game design in the college setting. Something we’ve both found to be an important topic. This of course spilled over to an extent into the education panel round table. But ultimately I was somewhat saddened by the lack of attendance at the experimental game panel, something at GDC that is continually packed and near and dear to seasoned developers hearts. I guess not enough folks have taken lumps yet to really love experimental design…

Oct 042008

Last night’s plenary session seemed to set the benchmark for talking about the state of the videogame industry more broadly, but also in the state of GA. In part, that is what has made the conference so far a particularly interesting one it demonstrates the kinds of intersections that occur between local activity and creative industries more broadly. But back to the Friday night plenary…

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Oct 022008

Andrea and I will be heading down to Atlanta tomorrow for SEIGE at the Marrietta Hyatt. It should be a great introduction for me (and those students of mine in NMIX 4200 who are planning to head down for the event) to the GA game development scene. What I’m hoping to find is a new fieldsite or three willing to accomodate me over the next few months (years). I’ll of course be hard pressed to find any studio as accomodating as Vicarious Visions was during my dissertation research, but I’ll try.