Nov 162009

I get at least two or three emails a week from folks curious about the texts that I use in classes or what I’m reading at the moment. So the new approach is to place all of those items in that sidebar. There are a bunch in there already, but only 3 at a time display. I’m sure there are a bunch of different texts that I’m not thinking to add at the moment, but I’m at the home office without my library and I’m not prepared to start adding willy nilly from my reference manager.

If I were a little more proactive I’d probably put my $0.02 in on each text, but I’m busy at the moment slogging through pulling all the bits and pieces together on what will hopefully be my own addition to that little sidebar. I’m at about 50% completion on the book at the moment. The other 50% is partially complete as well, but needs a good amount of integration and smoothing into a more cohesive whole, which is what I believe I’ve done with the first half of the text. The other thing I’ve done is really separate out the more historical elements and focus on the ethnographic. That isn’t to say there isn’t a historical bent, particularly in the industry chapters and as I get into development tools, but it is quite different from the dissertation.