After more than thirty years as a thing that can be called “an industry,” the video-game industry now finds itself in its middle ages, as well as the object of critical and scholarly inquiry. The global game industry and the virtual game worlds it creates are sprawling, historically situated, socio-technical assemblages that continue to offer promise and peril to researchers. Too often, however, context and the link between game worlds and developer worlds go uninterrogated: a divide remains between the world of game creators and games/game worlds themselves. Research tends to focus exclusively on content or on production, with a few notable exceptions linking the two.
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O’Donnell, C. (2012). On the Back of a Flying Gryphon: Soaring Over/Through the Global Game Industry. Technology and Culture, 53(1), 196-199. Retrieved from http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/technology_and_culture/v053/53.1.o-donnell.html